The War Within Affliction Warlock DPS Guide! Patch 11.0/Season 1

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Last modified 2 months ago

Affliction Warlock Tier Sets


Malefic Rapture damage increased by 5% and its critical strike chance is increased by 10%.

Mythic +: B

Raiding:  B


Malefic Rapture has a chance to increase damage dealt by your Agony, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction by 15% for 8 sec.

Mythic +: B-

Raiding:  B

Affliction Warlock Talent Builds

Soul Harvester Affliction Single Target

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Soul Harvester Affliction AOE Mythic +

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Hellcaller Affliction Single Target

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Hellcaller Affliction AOE Mythic +

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Affliction Warlock Trinkets

mad q

Spymaster's Web

Our best "On Use" option for Season 1. Has a passive stacking Intellect effect which can be consumed to grant a large Intellect increase. 

Mad Queen's Mandate

Our other "BIS' Trinket this tier. An on-use raw damage effect which can be reduced in cooldown. 

Empowering Crystal of Anub'ikkaj

A passive, Intellect based trinket which also grants a random secondary stat. Very strong alternative option to other "BIS" Trinkets.

Unbound Changeling

Another strong, equip based trinket that grants a secondary stat proc with a low daily chance to roll a triple stat proc. Effect can be "rolled" once daily be consuming stat food. 

Ara-Kara Sacbrood

Powerful Equip based trinket which provides Intellect and a Damage effect. 

Affliction Warlock Stat Weights

Intellect>Critical Strike>Mastery>Haste>Versatility

It is VERY important to note that this is a rough outline of desired secondary stats. Your stat weights will be different than others due to varying gear sets and other external factors. The best way to tell what your own stat weights are is a Top Gear sim with Gems and Enchants taken into account. If you don't want to do that then you can just follow this.

Affliction Warlock Consumables & Enchants


mana oil

Personal - Beledar's Bounty

If you spend at least 10 seconds eating you will become Well Fed and gain 469 of your highest secondary stat for 1 hour.

Flask - Flask of Alchemical Chaos

Strongest Flask option, with a bit of RNG. Drink to increase a random secondary stat by 7609 at the cost of 290 of two other secondary stats. These effects are randomized again every 30 sec.

Potion - Tempered Potion

Your best DPS Potion. Gain the effects of all inactive Tempered Flasks, increasing their associated secondary stats by 2617 for 30 sec.

Weapon Oil - Algari Mana Oil

Best choice for Weapon Oil in TWW. Coat your weapon in Algari Mana Oil, increasing your Critical Strike and Haste by 155 for 120 min.

Enchants and Gems


You'll want to use Culminating Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond, then a mix of Deadly Onyx, Masterful Ruby, Deadly Sapphire and Masterful Emerald, to fulfill Algari gem requirements.

Affliction Warlock Embellishments

1. Your first Spark based craft will be a Weapon of some sort with Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension.

• Crafting a Staff early on with 2 Spark of Omens is advised, but end patch BIS will have Mythic Queen Ansurek Main Hand and Crafted Offhand.

2. Your second Spark based craft will be a cloth armor item of some sort with Writhing Armor Banding.

• It is also possible to wear a 590 Crafted item of lesser value (such as Bracers or Cloak, which do not require a Spark of Omens) with Writhing Armor Banding Writhing Armor Banding Embellished, and craft a different piece of gear with you next spark that is of greater value. This may be the case for players who choose to craft a staff early, instead of a MH/OH Weapon. 

Affliction Warlock Rotation

The openers and rotations listed below are what you want to follow in a normal opener and setting. At times these may change due to fight mechanics or needing to hold CDs. 

 Single Target Opener

1. Precast Haunt

2. Precast Unstable Affliction

3. Agony

4. Corruption or Wither (if Hellcaller)

6. Shadow Bolt/Drain Soul to 2/4 stacks of Shadow Embrace

7. Phantom Singularity

8. Soul Rot  (Trinkets, Potions and Racials)

9. Summon Darkglare

10. Malevolence (if Hellcaller)

11. Malefic Rapture Spam

Be sure to not over cap on Nightfall and Tormented Crescendo procs, which both have a max stack count of 2.

You will hold every Phantom Singularity for every Soul Rot cast, both as Hellcaller and Soul Harvester. 

AOE/Mythic +

1. Seed of Corruption

2. Unstable Affliction (on priority mob)

3. Haunt (on Unstable Affliction mob)

4. Vile Taint

5. Soul Rot (Trinkets, Potions and Racials)

6. Summon Darkglare

7. Malevolence (if Hellcaller)

8. Malefic Rapture Spam

You will want to try and weave Nightfall procs onto your Unstable Affliction target, to fish for Tormented Crescendo procs. Casting Nightfall procs on non-UA targets will not proc TC as of late Beta.

Maintenance Rotation

Afflictions rotation is relatively simple outside of your Malefic Rapture windows. You will want to maintain your DOT effects and Haunt/Shadow's Embrace while refreshing in their Pandemic window. Pandemic is essentially the fact that you want to refresh your DOT's when they reach 30% or less of their remaining duration. This will add that remaining duration onto the new DOT application without any damage being "lost".

While it is not a massive DPS loss to refresh before your Pandemic window, it is still something to min/max. Refreshing DOTs on the move however is a DPS gain (over casting nothing) and is one of the main perks of Affliction, it's incredibly mobile.

DOT Pandemic Range

Agony - 4.5 Seconds

Corruption - 4.2 Seconds

Unstable Affliction - 6.3 Seconds

Outside of DOT maintenance you will have your Malefic Rapture windows every minute which pair Soul Rot with Phantom Singularity or Vile Taint. Malefic Raptures damage is based off Mastery and the number of active DOTs on each mob.  

If you are playing Soul Harvester, you can cast Malefic Raptures more often outside of your Rapture window, due to the fact that Soul Rot grants you 3 Shards when cast. Try not to over cap (outside of the opener) if possible.

The War Within Patch 11.0 Affliction Warlock DPS Video Guide

Affliction Warlock Weak Auras and Profiles

My Warlock Central Weak Aura for The War Within

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Plater Profile

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SUF Profile

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Soulstone Reminder Weak Aura

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Cursor Weak Aura

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